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This section explains how to customize different aspects of the library.
The library will perform logging lazily, e.g. only when actually needed, which is usually because an error happens but it depends on the test framework integration used. Parameters and constraints are serialized to report meaningful diagnostics of the failures.
By default the library attempts to serialize to an std::ostream and if this is not possible will use a '?'.
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Note |
Any incomplete type is gracefully handled and yields a '?'. |
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Warning |
Serializing a type inconsistently (including across several translation units) violates the One Definition Rule. |
If for some reason the serialization to an std::ostream shouldn't be used, it can be overridden by a serialization operator to a mock::stream, for instance to log user_type declared in user_namespace :
namespace user_namespace { struct user_type {}; inline mock::stream& operator<<(mock::stream& s, const user_type&) { return s << "user_type"; } } // namespace user_namespace
The operator is found using argument-dependent name lookup which means it needs to be in the namespace of either one of its arguments. The easiest is to define it in the same namespace as the type being serialized. If this is not possible (for instance when serializing a type in namespace std because the C++ standard explicitly forbids adding definitions into the std namespace) a serialization operator to mock::stream can be in the mock namespace instead.
The serialization operators detection doesn't attempt to do conversions when looking for a match (because this can sometimes yield an ambiguous resolution error). As conversions can prove convenient, for instance when dealing with a base class which is derived to a lot of sub-classes, they can be activated by defining MOCK_USE_CONVERSIONS prior to including the library :
#define MOCK_USE_CONVERSIONS #include <turtle/mock.hpp>
Be aware though that in this case the compiler can produce a compilation error when attempting to detect whether serialization operators exist or not. It is always possible however to define a serialization operator to a mock::stream in order to bypass the detection.
In all custom operator implementations it is probably a good thing to rely on the same mechanism the library uses in order to log everything, for instance here is how std::pair is handled :
namespace mock { template< typename T1, typename T2 > mock::stream& operator<<( mock::stream& s, const std::pair< T1, T2 >& p ) { return s << '(' << mock::format( p.first ) << ',' << mock::format( p.second ) << ')'; } }
The interesting part is the call to mock::format which enables the whole can-be-serialized-or-? logics.
Constraint provide a means to validate the parameters received in a call to a mock object.
The library comes with a set of pre-defined constraints matching the most widely used cases, however it is quite common to need to perform a custom validation.
Creating a constraint can be as simple as writing a function, for instance :
bool custom_constraint(int actual) { return actual == 42; }
Any functor will actually do as long as its signature matches the requirement : take a type convertible from the actual type and return a boolean.
Using the custom constraint is also pretty trivial, for instance :
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(forty_one_plus_one_is_forty_two_free_function) { mock_view v; calculator c(v); MOCK_EXPECT(v.display).with(&custom_constraint); c.add(41, 1); }
Simple enough, however this constraint isn't serializable and thus yields a rather uninformative '?' in the logs.
Just like a parameter, a constraint can be displayed in a readable form using its serialization operator, see logging.
Thus a widely used constraint (for instance one shipped with the code of a library) is likely better defined like this :
struct custom_constraint { friend bool operator==(int actual, const custom_constraint&) { return actual == 42; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const custom_constraint&) { return s << "_ == 42"; } };
And of course the constraint is to be used in a slightly different way :
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(forty_one_plus_one_is_forty_two_custom_constraint) { mock_view v; calculator c(v); MOCK_EXPECT(v.display).with(custom_constraint()); c.add(41, 1); }
Actually real world use cases sometimes need several other features as well :
Therefore a more realistic and complete example would be :
template<typename Expected> struct near_constraint { near_constraint(Expected expected, Expected threshold) : expected_(expected), threshold_(threshold) {} template<typename Actual> bool operator()(Actual actual) const { return std::abs(actual - mock::unwrap_ref(expected_)) <= mock::unwrap_ref(threshold_); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const near_constraint& c) { return s << "near( " << mock::format(c.expected_) << ", " << mock::format(c.threshold_) << " )"; } Expected expected_, threshold_; }; template<typename Expected> mock::constraint<near_constraint<Expected>> near(Expected expected, Expected threshold) { return near_constraint<Expected>(expected, threshold); }
And it would be used like this :
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(forty_one_plus_one_is_forty_two_plus_or_minus_one_near) { mock_view v; calculator c(v); MOCK_EXPECT(v.display).with(near(42, 1)); c.add(41, 1); }
The purpose of the 'near' template function is to :
The use of mock::unwrap_ref provides support for passing arguments as references with std::ref and std::cref and delaying their initialization, for instance :
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(forty_one_plus_one_is_forty_two_plus_or_minus_one_near_cref) { mock_view v; calculator c(v); int expected = 0, threshold = 0; MOCK_EXPECT(v.display).with(near(std::cref(expected), std::cref(threshold))); expected = 42; threshold = 1; c.add(41, 1); }
See constraints for an explanation of how the library detects whether an argument is a functor or a value.
For more information about the serialization operator and the use of mock::format, refer to logging.
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Note |
The constraint helper macro takes care of everything for simple cases. |
By default the library expects to be used in conjunction with Boost.Test e.g. :
However integrating with any given unit test framework can be done by defining a custom error policy implementing the following concept :
template<typename Result> struct custom_policy { static Result abort() { // Notify the test framework that an error occurs which makes it impossible to continue the test. // This should most likely throw an exception of some kind. } template<typename Context> static void fail(const char* message, const Context& context, const char* file = "unknown location", int line = 0) { // Notify the test framework that an unexpected call has occurred. } template<typename Context> static void call(const Context& context, const char* file, int line) { // Notify the test framework that an expectation has been fulfilled. } static void pass(const char* file, int line) { // Notify the test framework that the test execution merely passed the given code location. } };
The context, which stands for "something serializable to an std::ostream", is actually built only if an attempt to serialize it is made, thus enabling lazy serialization of all elements (e.g. constraints and parameters). File and line show were the expectation has been configured.
The policy can then be activated by defining MOCK_ERROR_POLICY prior to including the library :
#define MOCK_ERROR_POLICY custom_policy #include <turtle/mock.hpp>
A custom policy for Catch is provided and can be enabled simply by including catch.hpp instead of turtle.hpp.
Thread safety is not activated by default however defining MOCK_THREAD_SAFE before including the library will make creations and calls to mock objects thread-safe :
#define MOCK_THREAD_SAFE #include <turtle/mock.hpp>
If available the library will rely on the C++11 standard mutexes and locks, otherwise Boost.Thread will be used.