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Member function
Static member function
Conversion operator

This section describes the library syntax exhaustively.

All source code snippets assume the following prerequisite :

#include <turtle/mock.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

Mock objects can be assigned and copied around freely, unless they derive from a type which disables it.

Copies of a mock object share the same internal state, meaning setting an expectation on one of them will impact all of them. Thus it is possible to let an object under test copy a mock object and still be able to set, verify or reset expectations.

The library defines a set of convenient macros for creating mock objects of different kinds :

  • classes
  • functors
  • functions

Creating a mock object involves two parts under the hood :

  • defining an object
  • declaring an identifier for manipulating the object

Most of the time the identifier will be identical to the object name, but in case of ambiguity (for instance overloaded methods) a different identifier will have to be specified.

[Warning] Warning

Creating a mock object creates a new object and does not magically replace existing ones, for instance creating a mock function will not replace an already existing function with the same name and signature.

Synopsis :

MOCK_CLASS( name )            // defines a class
MOCK_BASE_CLASS( name, base ) // defines a class deriving from a base class

The preferred form for defining a mock class is with using MOCK_CLASS and MOCK_BASE_CLASS, however using a regular struct or class is also perfectly fine.

Example :


    mock_class c;

Example :

template<typename T>

    mock_class<int> c;

Example :

struct base_class

MOCK_BASE_CLASS(mock_class, base_class)

    mock_class c;

Example :

template<typename T>
struct base_class

template<typename T>
MOCK_BASE_CLASS(mock_class, base_class<T>)

    mock_class<int> c;

Example :

struct name : mock::object // equivalent to using MOCK_CLASS

Example :

template<typename T>
struct name : mock::object // equivalent to using MOCK_CLASS

Example :

class base

struct name : base, mock::object // equivalent to using MOCK_BASE_CLASS
    // this is required for the shortest form of MOCK_METHOD to work when not using MOCK_BASE_CLASS
    using base_type = base;

Example :

template<typename T>
struct base

template<typename T>
struct name : base<T>, mock::object
    using base_type = base<T>;

Deriving from mock::object is optional but provides the additional following benefits :

  • the object acts as a composite to verify and reset all the expectations for all its methods at once
  • logs involving the object are enhanced because configuring an expectation for a method will set the class name for all the other methods as well

Synopsis :

MOCK_METHOD( [calling convention] name, arity[, signature[, identifier]] )             // generates both const and non-const methods
MOCK_CONST_METHOD( [calling convention] name, arity[, signature[, identifier]] )       // generates only the const version of the method
MOCK_NON_CONST_METHOD( [calling convention] name, arity[, signature[, identifier]] )   // generates only the non-const version of the method
[Note] Note

If the identifier is omitted it will default to the method name.

[Note] Note

If the method name is not ambiguous both the signature and the identifier can be omitted in the context of a derived MOCK_BASE_CLASS or base_type typedef.

[Note] Note

The signature cannot be omitted if it uses a template parameter of the class, see the related limitation section.

[Note] Note

Constructors, destructors and conversion operators require special care.

[Note] Note

In case of a calling convention specified, all four parameters must be provided.

Synopsis :

MOCK_METHOD( [calling convention] name, arity, signature, identifier )               // generates both const and non-const methods
MOCK_CONST_METHOD( [calling convention] name, arity, signature, identifier )         // generates only the const version of the method
MOCK_NON_CONST_METHOD( [calling convention] name, arity, signature, identifier )     // generates only the non-const version of the method

Example :

struct base_class
    virtual ~base_class() = default;
    virtual void method(int) = 0;

MOCK_BASE_CLASS(mock_class, base_class)
    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1) // only possible when referring unambiguously to a base class method

Example :

struct base_class
    virtual ~base_class() = default;
    virtual void method(int, const std::string&) = 0;
    virtual void method(float) = 0;

MOCK_BASE_CLASS(mock_class, base_class)
    // both the signature and identifier must be specified because of ambiguity due to overloading
    MOCK_METHOD(method, 2, void(int, const std::string&), identifier_1)
    // the identifier must differ from the previous one in order to fully disambiguate methods
    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, void(float), identifier_2)

Example :

struct base_class
    virtual ~base_class() = default;
    virtual void method(float) = 0;
    virtual void method(float) const = 0;

MOCK_BASE_CLASS(mock_class, base_class)
    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, void(float)) // this generates both const and non-const versions

Example :

struct base_class
    virtual ~base_class() = default;
    virtual void method(float) = 0;
    virtual void method(float) const = 0;

MOCK_BASE_CLASS(mock_class, base_class)
    // this generates only the const version
    MOCK_CONST_METHOD(method, 1, void(float), identifier_1)
    // this generates only the non-const version, with a different identifier
    MOCK_NON_CONST_METHOD(method, 1, void(float), identifier_2)

Example :

                          mock_class &(const mock_class&),
                          assignment) // operators require a custom identifier

Example :

template<typename T>
    // includes a template parameter of the class
    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, void(const T&))

Example :

    // the signature must be wrapped in MOCK_PROTECT_SIGNATURE if the return type contains a comma
    MOCK_METHOD(method, 0, MOCK_PROTECT_SIGNATURE(std::map<int, int>()))

Example for msvc :

    // all parameters must be provided when specifying a different calling convention
    MOCK_METHOD(__stdcall method, 0, void(), method)

Example for gcc :


Synopsis :

MOCK_STATIC_METHOD( [calling convention] name, arity, signature[, identifier] )     // if 'identifier' is omitted it will default to 'name'
[Note] Note

A static object is used behind the scene in order to keep track of the expectations of a mock static method, therefore to ensure all tests run in isolation it is strongly suggested to manually verify and reset the static method at the end of each test, see the related pattern section.

[Note] Note

In case of a calling convention specified, all four parameters must be provided.

Example :

    MOCK_STATIC_METHOD(method, 1, float(int))

Example :

template<typename T>
    MOCK_STATIC_METHOD(method, 1, void(T)) // includes a template parameter of the class

Example for msvc :

    // all parameters must be provided when specifying a different calling convention
    MOCK_STATIC_METHOD(__stdcall method, 0, void(), method)

Example for gcc :


Synopsis :

MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR( [calling convention] name, arity, parameters, identifier )
[Note] Note

As constructors do not have a return type, the usual signature gets restricted here to just the parameters.

Example :

    MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR(mock_class, 2, (int, const std::string&), identifier)

Example :

template<typename T>
    MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR(mock_class, 2, (int, const std::string&), identifier)
    MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR(mock_class, 2, (T, const std::string&), identifier_2) // includes a template parameter of the class

Example for msvc :

    MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR(__stdcall mock_class, 0, (), constructor)

Example for gcc :


Synopsis :

MOCK_DESTRUCTOR( [calling convention] ~name, identifier )
[Note] Note

When mocking a destructor it is strongly suggested to manually verify the expectation at the end of the test, because the automatic verification will not be triggered if the mock object is not destroyed.

Example :

    MOCK_DESTRUCTOR(~mock_class, destructor)

Example for msvc :

    MOCK_DESTRUCTOR(__stdcall ~mock_class, destructor)

Example for gcc :


Synopsis :

MOCK_CONVERSION_OPERATOR( [calling convention] name, type, identifier )               // generates both const and non-const operators
MOCK_CONST_CONVERSION_OPERATOR( [calling convention] name, type, identifier )         // generates only a const operator
MOCK_NON_CONST_CONVERSION_OPERATOR( [calling convention] name, type, identifier )     // generates only a non-const operator

Example :

    MOCK_CONVERSION_OPERATOR(operator, int, conversion_to_int)
    MOCK_CONST_CONVERSION_OPERATOR(operator, const std::string&, conversion_to_string)

Example :

template<typename T>
    MOCK_CONVERSION_OPERATOR(operator, T, conversion_to_T) // includes a template parameter of the class
    MOCK_CONST_CONVERSION_OPERATOR(operator, const std::string&, const_conversion_to_string)
    MOCK_NON_CONST_CONVERSION_OPERATOR(operator, const std::string&, non_const_conversion_to_string)

Example for msvc :

    MOCK_CONVERSION_OPERATOR(__stdcall operator, int, conversion_to_int)

Example for gcc :


Synopsis :

MOCK_FUNCTION( [calling convention] name, arity, signature[, identifier] ) // if 'identifier' is omitted it will default to 'name'
[Note] Note

A static object is used behind the scene in order to keep track of the expectations of a mock function, therefore to ensure all tests run in isolation it is strongly suggested to manually verify and reset the mock function at the end of each test, see the related pattern section.

[Note] Note

In case of a calling convention specified, all four parameters must be provided.

Example :

MOCK_FUNCTION(f, 1, void(int))


Example for msvc :

// all parameters must be provided when specifying a different calling convention
MOCK_FUNCTION(__stdcall f, 0, void(), f)

Example for gcc :


Synopsis :

MOCK_FUNCTOR( [calling convention] name, signature );

Example :

    MOCK_FUNCTOR(f, void(int));

Example :

template<typename T>
struct mock_class
    MOCK_FUNCTOR(f, void(T));

    mock_class<int> c;

An expectation is a statement of configuration for a mock object.

Synopsis :

MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).invocation( arguments ).with( constraints ).in( sequences ).action( value );
[Note] Note

The identifier refers to the one specified when creating a mock object.

Example :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, int(int), method)
    MOCK_METHOD(method, 2, void(const std::string&, float), method2)

    mock_class c;
    mock::sequence s;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method2).never().with("ok", mock::any);
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method2).at_least(2).in(s).throws(std::runtime_error("error !"));
    BOOST_TEST(c.method(0) == 42);
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(c.method("not ok", 1.f), std::runtime_error);
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(c.method("not ok", 2.f), std::runtime_error);

An invocation defines how many times a mock object is to be exercised.

Synopsis :

MOCK_EXPECT( identifier );                     // any number of times including never
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).once();
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).never();
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).exactly( count );
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).at_least( min );
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).at_most( max );
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).between( min, max ); // throws std::invalid_argument if 'min' > 'max'

Example :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 2, void(int, const std::string&))
    MOCK_METHOD(method2, 1, void(int))

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).once(); // can only be called once
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method2);       // can be called an unlimited number of times
    c.method(42, "Hello world!");

Example :

    MOCK_FUNCTOR(f, void(int, const std::string&));
    f(42, "Hello world!");

Example :

MOCK_FUNCTION(f, 1, void(int))


Example :

    MOCK_STATIC_METHOD(method1, 1, void(int))
    MOCK_STATIC_METHOD(method2, 1, void(int))

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_EXPECT(mock_class::method2).once(); // does the same (but for the other method)

Constraints validate the actual parameter values of a call to a mock object.

Synopsis :

MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).with( constraint );                      // one constraint for all parameters
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).with( constraint_1, constraint_2, ... ); // one constraint for each parameter

In the following table 'expected' denotes a user supplied data whereas 'actual' stands for the one or several parameter values received in a call to a mock function.

Constraints :






does not perform any verification


expected( actual )

expected( actual_1, actual_2, ... )

actual == expected

calls expected as a functor returning a bool, throws std::invalid_argument if ! expected

calls expected as a functor returning a bool, throws std::invalid_argument if ! expected

compares actual to expected using operator ==

mock::equal( expected )

actual == expected

actual && *actual == expected

compares actual to expected using operator ==

compares actual content to expected using operator ==

mock::less( expected )

actual < expected

compares actual to expected using operator <

mock::greater( expected )

actual > expected

compares actual to expected using operator >

mock::less_equal( expected )

actual <= expected

compares actual to expected using operator <=

mock::greater_equal( expected )

actual >= expected

compares actual to expected using operator >=

mock::near( expected, tolerance )

std::abs( actual - expected ) < tolerance

checks whether actual is near expected within tolerance

mock::close( expected, tolerance )

boost::test_tools::check_is_close( actual, expected, boost::test_tools::percent_tolerance( arg ) )

checks whether actual is close to expected, see Floating-point comparison algorithms

mock::close_fraction( expected, tolerance )

boost::test_tools::check_is_close( actual, expected, boost::test_tools::fraction_tolerance( arg ) )

checks whether actual is close to expected, see Floating-point comparison algorithms

mock::small( tolerance )

boost::test_tools::check_is_small( actual, expected ) )

checks whether actual is small within tolerance, see Floating-point comparison algorithms

mock::call( expected )

expected( actual )

calls expected as a functor returning a bool and accepting actual as parameter

mock::same( expected )

&actual == &expected

compares actual to expected by comparing their pointers

mock::assign( expected )

actual = expected, true

*actual = expected, true

assigns expected to actual using operator =

assigns expected to actual content using operator =

mock::retrieve( expected )

expected = actual, true

expected = &actual, true

retrieves actual into expected using operator =

retrieves actual address into expected using operator =

mock::contain( expected )

actual.find( expected ) != std::string::npos

checks whether expected is contained in the std::string actual



uses actual as a bool


! actual

negates actual using operator !



evaluates actual as a functor returning a bool and taking no argument

[Important] Important

When passing expected directly as a shortcut mock::call is implied for a callable (function, function pointer, functor, ...); mock::equal is implied for anything else.

[Warning] Warning

Because mock::assign and mock::retrieve have side effects they may modify expected in unexpected ways. For instance they may be called again after their expectations have already been exhausted because of the way the expectation selection algorithm works. Therefore it is probably a good idea to use an action instead.

[Note] Note

For mock::assign and mock::retrieve the switch to one form or another is made depending on whichever is the most relevant based on types involved.

[Note] Note

All constraints accepting a parameter support the use of std::ref and std::cref in order to delay initialization.

[Note] Note

All constraints can be combined using the && and || operators, as well as negated with the ! operator.

Example :

    MOCK_METHOD(method1, 2, void(int, const std::string&))
    MOCK_METHOD(method2, 2, void(int, const std::string&))

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method1).with(mock::equal(3), mock::equal("some string"));
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method2).with(3, "some string"); // similar to the previous one using short-cuts
    c.method1(3, "some string");
    c.method2(3, "some string");

Example using a function pointer :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, void(int))

bool custom_constraint(int actual)
    return actual == 42;

    mock_class c;

Example using a standard library functor :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, void(int))

bool custom_constraint(int expected, int actual)
    return expected == actual;

    mock_class c;
      std::bind1st(std::ptr_fun(&custom_constraint), 42)); // std::ptr_fun creates an std::unary_function

Example using std::bind :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, void(int))

bool custom_constraint(int expected, int actual)
    return expected == actual;

    mock_class c;
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).with(std::bind(&custom_constraint, 42, _1));

Example using Boost.Lambda :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, void(int))

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).with(boost::lambda::_1 == 42);

Example using Boost.Phoenix :

    MOCK_METHOD(method1, 1, void(int))
    MOCK_METHOD(method2, 1, void(int))

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method1).with(boost::phoenix::arg_names::arg1 == 42);
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method2).with(boost::phoenix::arg_names::_1 == 42);

Example using C++11 lambdas :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, void(int))

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).with([](int actual) { return 42 == actual; });

Example using &&, || and ! :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 2, void(int, const std::string&))

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).with(mock::less(4) && mock::greater(2), !mock::equal(""));
    c.method(3, "Hello World!");

Example using one constraint for all parameters :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 2, void(const std::string&, std::size_t))

bool custom_constraint(const std::string& actual_1, std::size_t actual_2)
    return actual_1.size() <= actual_2;

    mock_class c;
    c.method("1234", 4);

A sequence enforces a given order between two or more expectations.

Synopsis :

MOCK_EXPECT( identifier_1 ).in( sequence_1, sequence_2, ... );

Each sequence is an instance of mock::sequence.

The maximum number of sequences that can be set is basically unlimited.

Example :

    MOCK_METHOD(method_1, 0, void())

    MOCK_METHOD(method_2, 0, void())

    MOCK_METHOD(method_3, 0, void())

    mock_class_1 c_1;
    mock_class_2 c_2;
    mock_class_3 c_3;
    mock::sequence s_1, s_2;
      .in(s_2); // c_1.method_1 and c_2.method_2 are in different sequences and can be called in any order
    MOCK_EXPECT(c_3.method_3).in(s_1, s_2); // c_3.method_3 must be called after both c_1.method_1 and c_2.method_2

An action performs additional treatments after an expectation has been deemed valid.

Synopsis :

MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).returns( value );    // stored internally by copy
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).moves( value );      // stored internally by copy/move
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).throws( exception ); // stored internally by copy
MOCK_EXPECT( identifier ).calls( functor );    // stored internally by copy, throws std::invalid_argument if empty
[Note] Note

The returns and moves actions are not available for mock methods returning void, including constructors and destructors.

[Note] Note

Actions are captured by copy, std::ref and std::cref can however be used to turn the copies into references.

Example :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 1, int(int))

int function(int i)
    return i;

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).once().moves(42); // returns by moving the value
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).once().throws(std::runtime_error("error !"));
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).once().calls(&function); // forwards 'method' parameter to 'function'
      std::bind(&function, 42)); // drops 'method' parameter and binds 42 as parameter to 'function'
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).once().calls([](int i) { return i; }); // uses a C++11 lambda
    BOOST_TEST(c.method(0) == 42);
    BOOST_TEST(c.method(1) == 42);
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(c.method(0), std::runtime_error);
    BOOST_TEST(c.method(2) == 2);
    BOOST_TEST(c.method(3) == 42);
    BOOST_TEST(c.method(4) == 4);

Example with references :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 0, int&())

    mock_class c;
    int i = 0;
    MOCK_EXPECT(c.method).returns(std::ref(i)); // wrap i to store a reference
    c.method() = 42;                            // really change i and not just the stored copy
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(42, i);                   // indeed

Synopsis :

MOCK_VERIFY( identifier );
mock::verify( object );   // verifies all expectations for all methods of 'object' which must be an instance of a class created using MOCK_CLASS or MOCK_BASE_CLASS, or inherit mock::object
mock::verify( functor );  // verifies all expectations for 'functor' which must be an instance of a functor created using MOCK_FUNCTOR
mock::verify();           // verifies all expectations for all mock objects, functions and functors
[Note] Note

These calls all return a boolean indicating whether the verification was successful or not, however usually simply calling them is enough because a failing verification will be logged to the test framework.

[Note] Note

Each mock object verifies itself automatically upon destruction, which is usually sufficient for the most common use cases.

[Warning] Warning

Using mock functions or mock static member functions means the associated underlying objects will not be destroyed before exiting the test application, thus it is strongly suggested to verify (and possibly reset) them at the end of each test case (for instance using a fixture) to ensure that each test runs in isolation.

Example :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 0, void())

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_VERIFY(c.method); // logs an error and returns false if not all expectations are met
    mock::verify(c);       // verifies all expectations set for all methods of 'c'
    mock::verify();        // verifies all existing mock objects, functions and functors

Example :

    MOCK_FUNCTOR(f, void(int));
    MOCK_VERIFY(f);  // logs an error and returns false if not all expectations are met
    mock::verify(f); // behaves the same as MOCK_VERIFY
    mock::verify();  // verifies all existing mock objects, functions and functors

Example :

MOCK_FUNCTION(f, 1, void(int))

    MOCK_VERIFY(f); // logs an error and returns false if not all expectations are met
    mock::verify(); // verifies all existing mock objects, functions and functors

Example :

    MOCK_STATIC_METHOD(method, 0, void())

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_VERIFY(c.method);           // logs an error and returns false if not all expectations are met
    MOCK_VERIFY(mock_class::method); // does the same
    mock::verify();                  // verifies all existing mock objects, functions and functors

Synopsis :

MOCK_RESET( identifier );
mock::reset( object );    // resets all expectations for all methods of 'object' which must be an instance of a class created using MOCK_CLASS or MOCK_BASE_CLASS, or inherit mock::object
mock::reset( functor );   // resets all expectations for 'functor' which must be an instance of a functor created using MOCK_FUNCTOR
mock::reset();            // resets all expectations for all mock objects, functions and functors

Example :

    MOCK_METHOD(method, 0, void())

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_RESET(c.method); // resets all expectations set for 'c.method'
    mock::reset(c);       // resets all expectations set on 'c'
    mock::reset();        // resets all existing mock objects, functions and functors

Example :

    MOCK_FUNCTOR(f, void(int));
    MOCK_RESET(f);  // resets all expectations set for 'f'
    mock::reset(f); // behaves the same as MOCK_RESET
    mock::reset();  // resets all existing mock objects, functions and functors

Example :

MOCK_FUNCTION(f, 1, void(int))

    MOCK_RESET(f); // resets all expectations set for 'f'
    mock::reset(); // resets all existing mock objects, functions and functors

Example :

    MOCK_STATIC_METHOD(method, 0, void())

    mock_class c;
    MOCK_RESET(c.method);           // resets all expectations set for 'c::method'
    MOCK_RESET(mock_class::method); // resets all expectations set for 'c::method'
    mock::reset();                  // resets all existing mock objects, functions and functors

This section presents a simple means of creating a new constraint.

Synopsis :

MOCK_CONSTRAINT( name, expected_1, expected_2, ..., expression ) // defines a constraint 'name' based on the given 'expression'

The expression manipulates a received parameter actual in order to implement the constraint, as well as extra optional arguments named expected_1, expected_2, ...

Example without any extra argument :

MOCK_CONSTRAINT(any, true)               // this is how mock::any could be defined
MOCK_CONSTRAINT(forty_two, actual == 42) // this defines a 'forty_two' constraint

    MOCK_FUNCTOR(f, void(int));

Example with one extra argument :

// this is how mock::equal could be defined
MOCK_CONSTRAINT(equal, expected, actual == expected)
// this defines a 'near' constraint which can be used as 'near( 42 )'
MOCK_CONSTRAINT(near, expected, std::abs(actual - expected) < 0.01)

    MOCK_FUNCTOR(f, void(int));

Example with two extra arguments :

// this is how mock::near could be defined
MOCK_CONSTRAINT(near, expected, tolerance, std::abs(actual - expected) <= tolerance)

    MOCK_FUNCTOR(f, void(int));
    MOCK_EXPECT(f).with(near(42, 0.001));
